Food Safety
The Food Safety Toolkit was developed for non-profit organizations that have volunteers serving in roles that include the preparation and serving of food as well as distribution of food in the community. The resources within the toolkit can also benefit non-profit organizations without a food-centered mission, including those that host potlucks, shared meals or events with food. The Toolkit is a work product of the S4NP collaboration with the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) International and its affiliate, the New England Biological Safety Association (NEBSA). Cynthia Parenteau, a NEBSA member, collaborated with S4NP to design and develop the Toolkit.
The Toolkit has a variety of resources that can be used by non-profit organizations. The materials can be shared during new volunteer orientation sessions, or discussed during volunteer meetings, especially prior to any activities that involve the preparation of food. They can also be printed and posted in conspicuous places as a reminder of the importance of keeping volunteers and the food they prepare and/or distribute healthy and safe.
Non-profits are encouraged to reach out to S4NP to locate a volunteer who can provide additional support such as an on-site review of the non-profit’s food service program or assistance with utilizing the Toolkit resources.
Note: The documents and resources provided here are intended for S4NP nonprofit clients to help implement food safety practices. For compliance requirements contact your local health department or other jurisdictional agency.
For questions or assistance with Food Safety & Nonprofits - contact
To request S4NP support - please fill out our Request Service Form
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